Graff Champion Beef

Pantry Inventory Sneak Peak

Let’s say I’m in your kitchen. You ask, “Want to see my pantry?”.
I’m like, Heck yeah! Whatcha got? 
I wanna see what I’m missing out on!

So, I’m thinking you’re like me. You wouldn’t mind taking a peak at what’s in my cupboards. We’re friends and all.

This PDF is my pantry inventory list. Remember, we eat a lot of beef. My items are slanted to support that kind of cooking. But you have room to add your own list. That is if you want to print it off. I tape these types of list to the inside of cabinet doors.

Hey, leave a comment with what you’d add to the list from your pantry inventory.
⚙️Link to print it out is below image. 👇🏽

pantry inventory list

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